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Volt - Mẫu bảng điều khiển Bootstrap 5

Share Code Volt - Mẫu bảng điều khiển Bootstrap 5 1.4.1

Volt is a free and open source Bootstrap 5 Admin Dashboard featuring over 100 components, 11 example pages and 3 customized plugins. Volt does not require jQuery as a dependency meaning that every library and script's are jQuery free.

Bootstrap 5 and Vanilla JavaScript
Volt is built using the latest version of Bootstrap 5 and because
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, Volt has been built using only Vanilla JS.

100+ Components
Because it is created using the latest version of Bootstrap 5, every component and element is based on the latest Bootstrap 5 Sass variables and HTML markup. Check out the documentation of the components
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11 Example pages
We created no less than 11 advanced example pages such as the overview page, transactions, user settings, sign in and sign up and many more.

Full documentation
Every component, plugin and getting started is thoroughly documented on our
Xin vui lòng, Đăng nhập hoặc Đăng ký để xem nội dung URL.

This product is built using the following widely used technologies:

  • Most popular CSS Framework Bootstrap
  • Productive workflow tool Gulp
  • Awesome CSS preprocessor Sass
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